TRY THIS This section of BITS & BYTES will offer simple public domain basic programs which you can key in yourself, thus giving you workable productions plus experience in entering your own code. We'll start with a display program which will generate colorful patterns in a random fashion. Check each line as you key it in; if you make an error, merely repeat the line number and do it over again. The error line will be replaced. Print out this chapter and enter the code at your leisure after finishing this newsletter. 10 HOME 20 REM: MOIRE DISPLAY 50 IMPUT A$ 100 HGR2 110 HCOLOR=0: HPLOT 0,0 120 CALL 62454 130 C(0) = INT (RND (1) * 8): C (1) = INT (RND (1) * 8): IF ((C(0) = 0 AND C (1) = 4) OR (C(1) = 0 AND C(0) = 4)) THEN 130 140 A = RND (1) * 279 160 B = RND (1) * 191 180 I% = (RND (1) * 4) + 2 220 FOR X = 0 TO 278 STEP I% 240 FOR S = 0 TO 1 260 HCOLOR = C(S) 300 HPLOT X + S,O TO A,B TO 279 - X - S,191 310 IF PEEK ( - 16384) > 127 THEN 31111 320 NEXT S,X 340 FOR Y = 0 TO 191 STEP I% 360 FOR S = 0 TO 1 380 HCOLOR = C (S) 420 HPLOT 279,Y + S TO A,B TO 0,191 - Y - S 430 IF PEEK ( -16384) > 127 THEN 31111 440 NEXT S,Y 460 FOR P = 1 TO 1500: NEXT P 480 GOTO 120 31111 TEXT 31112 POKE - 16368,0 31115 TEXT : HOME : PRINT : PRINT : PRINT "BYE.....":END ************************************** For you LOTTO fans: a program to select six numbers for you to try. Contributed by Julian Rozner, he admits this will, however, show a Zero and may repeat a number in the display of six. He challenges a programmer out there to correct the two "glitches" and send us the revision to print! 10 FOR I = 1 TO 6 20 LET N = INT (50 * RND (1)) 30 PRINT N 40 NEXT I 50 END Can we split the winnings as a result of these numbers?????? ************************************** Another cutey! This is a two-liner. No screen display on this one, but play the keyboard organ by command RUN after you've finished keying it in. 10 TEXT : HOME : PRINT TAB (13) ; "KEYBOARD ORGAN": FOR X = 24576 TO 24591: READ Y: POKE X,Y: NEXT X: DATA 172,0,192,173,48,192,234,234,234,234, 136,208,249,76,0,96 20 CALL 24576 ************************************** This one is directed to those users who have Appleworks on 3.5" disks. Here's a patch that will bring you straight to the Main Menu. This patch will load the start-up with no space or return needed until you reach the choice of "ADD FILES TO THE DESKTOP". From Basic, enter the following (on a backup copy, of course): BLOAD APLWORKS SYSTEM, TSYS,A$2000 POKE 14468,44 POKE 14148,208 POKE 14149,19 BSAVE APLWORKS.SYSTEM,TSYS,A$2000 *********************************** If you have a favorite simple basic program you'd like to share, please upload it as indicated under menu item "HOW TO SUBMIT ARTICLES." If you lack a modem, sending a hard copy of your material to me would be perfectly fine. ~~~